Our kitchen corner online began back in 2017 when Gali was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer to help her boost the immune system and ensure she was getting enough antioxidants and nutrients in her diet to help fight cancer and stop metastasis without compromising on taste or lifestyle. Gali is now in remission after completing six chemo cycles, 15 rounds of Herceptin injections, surgery and 3 weeks of radiation.
The main reason why we started this blog was so that we could see our own progress in our diet and share tasty clean-eating healing recipes with the world and hopefully inspire you to eat healthier and more anti-cancer.
Today we are surrounded by so many food and ready-meal choices. There are quick ones, calorie counting ones, reduced-fat ones, protein-packed ones so on and so forth. But how can we know that the foods and meals that we are eating are 100% natural and made from good and honest ingredients? And by honest we mean no hidden processes, chemicals or sugars.
Well let’s face it – we don’t really or are we prepared to read every single label and small text? No, no one has time to do that. So unless we cook and prepare meals ourselves we don’t really know what we are putting in our bodies. Additionally, the source of the ingredients we cook with and use is also as important and needs investigation. Remember, whatever goes into an animal or a plant will eventually end up in our bodies.
The key is to try to our best abilities to keep every single ingredient organic. Unless you have a farm and can grow everything yourselves, that’s the only way we can control or let’s say minimise the pesticide intake in our diet. By eating clean we have a better chance to a healthier life. Clean whole foods recipes will boost your immune system, reduce inflammation and minimise oxidation which are all key factors linked to illnesses and cancer cell growth.
The idea of clean eating and an anti-cancer diet is to try to prepare everything from scratch. We have a world of ingredients now that are available to us more than ever before. Ancient cultures have used diet for healing and curing illnesses for thousands of years and we want to re-learn much of this and add to it from what we are learning about foods today. The ability to create healthy food recipes from “a global cuisine” keeps food new and exciting or just your old favourites upgraded, healthy and anti-cancer.
Who is behind The Anti-Cancer Kitchen?
We are mummy (Gali) and daddy (Matt) to two gorgeous boys aged 7 and 6. We live just outside London close to the beach and countryside. We are very lucky as we are surrounded by great local produce and farms, in fact, some of the best in the country, but at the same time, we are close enough to London’s fast-paced food culture, innovations, and multicultural culinary magic.
What will you learn from our blog?
We cook healthy recipes focusing on plants and superfoods, which you should be able to find in the local supermarket. In our recipes, we maximise the good ingredients and minimise/remove the not so healthy (bad) ingredients making breakfasts, lunches, dinners, sauces, smoothies, desserts healthier and anti-cancer.