Juicing for health. Alkaline green juice - freshly pressed

We are in love with this alkaline green juice recipe. It’s just perfect for your anti-cancer diet.

Alkaline green juice recipe

This is an alkaline green juice and it’s so good, so so good! it’s refreshing and zingy and just what your immune-system and overall wellbeing has ordered. When it comes to green juices some can be a bit bitter (kale) or bland (spinach), but not this juice,  it is definitely full of flavour and certainly my cup of “green” tea.

At The Anti-Cancer Kitchen, we love it healthy but it has to taste nice too and has a nice texture. We feel that a lot of people that talk about nutrition and cancer just push people to eat to survive and to be honest we all eat to survive but we also eat to enjoy, we eat to escape, we eat to share, we eat to show off, we eat to be happy, right? And to be happy means a lot of things. Happy means healthy but at the same time, happy means enjoyment. And, this balance is sometimes hard to achieve.

Most of us grew up knowing that fruits and vegetables are super good for us. Even now our 4-year-old comes back from school telling us how healthy he is because he ate apples and melon at snack time.  So how come, we have such a hard time to eat our 5-a-day? In fact according to the NHS only one in four adults are eating their five-a-day in the UK.

Nevertheless, The World Health Organization recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables each day to lower the long-term risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancers.  Why? Because most fruits and vegetables are anti-cancer because they are alkaline.

Alkaline green juiceSo let’s talk a bit more about alkaline versus acidic.

Top alkaline foods

The top alkaline foods are (as you would guess) most fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices. Eating high alkaline foods simply means you’re eating more of certain foods to help prevent your body i.e. blood from becoming too acidic. So why is it important or why should we even care? Well, according to research and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, cancer cells can’t survive in an alkaline environment.

All food we eat has a PH value. If a food is below 7 then it’s acidic and if a food is above 7 then it’s alkaline. Most acidic foods are protein-based – beef, chicken, eggs, legumes (except lentils) whilst alkaline foods are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. The top green alkaline foods are (and what we need to eat more of):

  • Greens like spinach, kale, watercress and Swiss chard
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Lemons & limes (their natural state is acidic with a pH of about 2, but once metabolised it actually becomes alkaline with a pH well above 7)
  • Sweet potato & carrots
  • Pineapple
  • Apples

But perhaps you can start your alkaline food journey with this delicious alkaline green juice.

Have you made this alkaline green juice recipe?

We’d love to see your green juice creations! Please leave a comment below, share or tag using @anticancerkitchen on Instagram and hashtag it #anticancerkitchen.

For more anti-cancer juice and smoothies recipes, click here.

Juicing for health. Alkaline green juice - freshly pressed


We are in love with this alkaline green juice recipe. It’s just perfect for your anti-cancer diet. Alkaline green juice recipe This… Cancer-Fighting Juice and Smoothie Recipes ALKALINE GREEN JUICE WITH LIME & CORIANDER (CILANTRO) European Print This
Serves: 2 Prep Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 3.8/5
( 54 voted )


  • 1 celery stick
  • 1/2 of fresh pineapple
  • 1 green apple
  • 10 cm of cucumber
  • A handful of spinach
  • A handful of coriander (cilantro)
  • Juice of one orange/ 150 ml
  • Juice of 1 lime


All you need is a juicer and juice celery, pineapple, apple, cucumber, orange, spinach and coriander.

Slice the lime in half and squeeze both halves into the juice using a fork or a squeezer. Stir the juice and drink immediately.


This juice, aside from being alkalising, is incredibly detoxifying as both celery and cucumber help the body flush toxins. The spinach helps promote bone health due to its high content of calcium. It also has anti-cancer and cleansing properties.

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Susie -

Thank you for sharing this juice, it’s SO delicious! Definitely a favourite in my house!

Bernice Hebblethwaite -

I have tried two of your juices in the last week and here is my review on “ALKALINE GREEN JUICE WITH LIME & CORIANDER (CILANTRO)
Serves: 2 Prep Time: 5 min” – I love lime and coriander in food, we have fajitas this week with this combo being used. So this drink was refreshing to the max! My husband was intrigued with what concoction I was making this time and you have a thumbs up from him too.

Georgie -

This is amazing, very fresh flavour and full of goodness!

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