Home Cancer-Fighting Breakfast and Brunch CANCER-FIGHTING FOODS JUICE
Multi veg and fruit cancer fighting juice

This cancer-fighting foods juice is super easy to make. So easy that I managed to juice before my FEC chemo number three. And it felt so good.

The cycles are going quite quickly – can’t believe after this one I am halfway through and I still have hair. I have now stopped being super paranoid about losing the hair. I feel that I can’t really do anything anyway if it does fall off. Haha, who am I kidding! I am still checking the pillow every morning and I am still terrified of washing it. Total anxiety but trying to control it I suppose.

The actual day at the chemotherapy suite went well I thought. The cold cap was intolerable but I did it. I had to ask for more paracetamol but I did it. How I manage to get through it, I don’t know. To remind you the cold cap goes on approximately forty-five minutes before the treatment starts and has to be on for two-and-a-half hours after; more or less four hours of pure torture. Sitting there I am always thinking, who in the right frame of mind would freeze their head to keep a little bit of hair?  Well, ME clearly.

The side effects after this one has been worse in terms of nausea. I was also physically sick, puking the same night. But no A&E hooray! The first few days are always rubbish. If you escape A&E then you can’t really escape nausea, exhaustion,  feeling down, sleepy, headaches – the list is kind of long. But then on day eight or nine, it switches. Suddenly you feel more energetic and ‘normal’. I even managed to get my self to the gym and do a bit of running which felt absolutely fantastic.

It was not all smooth this time around though. A week before my next cycle I got a fever. When you are on chemotherapy and the temperature goes over thirty-seven-and-five, it’s bad news. You have to get yourself to the hospital as you most likely have an infection and need antibiotics. And, yes – this was not a false alarm – I had an infection and the doctor at the A&E confirmed that I was super neutropenic. So what does it mean? It means that the condition is an abnormally low concentration of neutrophils, basically a type of white blood cell in the blood. Neutrophils make up the majority of circulating white blood cells and serve as the primary defense against infections by destroying bacteria. So this means that cancer patients with neutropenia are more susceptible to bacterial infections and, without prompt medical attention, the condition may become life-threatening. I had almost none in my body. The chemotherapy killed all my healthy white blood cells which meant that I had to be kept under supervision and isolated at the hospital until blood counts have gone up to one. Mine was zero point one.

Every four hours they were giving me antibiotics the first twenty-four hours but the blood counts did not go up. They did not even move. So I had to get the immune system boost injections too. The next day I could finally go home just in time for Easter Sunday.

The best cancer-fighting foods juice recipe

Now that you have read about my cycle three chemo experience I would like to talk more about this amazing juice recipe. It’s absolutely fantastic and brilliantly healthy and super cancer-fighting. In this cancer-fighting foods juice recipe, I have used carrots, apples, celery, an orange and a bit of ginger. 

The main ingredients are carrots as carrots contain a lot of essential and beneficial nutrients that include vitamins A, C, K, folate, and choline. On top of this, carrots have minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. Carrots also provide antioxidant, anti-cancer, and immune-enhancing properties.  So more carrots and fresh carrot juice in our diet, please! 

Celery is an interesting one, a lot of people think that it’s just a bit of water and actually quite boring. But no, celery is actually pretty amazing! It contains apigenin and luteolin. These compounds are bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells. Celery and celery juice is also great if you are suffering from nervous disorders such as insomnia or anxiety. The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, and the essential oil in it, soothe and calm the nervous system so that you can relax and sleep better.  

Have you made this anti-cancer juice recipe?

We’d love to see your juice creations! Please leave a comment below, share or tag using @anticancerkitchen on Instagram and hashtag it #anticancerkitchen.

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Multi veg and fruit cancer fighting juice


This cancer-fighting foods juice is super easy to make. So easy that I managed to juice before my FEC chemo number three.… Cancer-Fighting Juice and Smoothie Recipes CANCER-FIGHTING FOODS JUICE European Print This
Serves: 2 Prep Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 3.0/5
( 39 voted )


  • 3cm ginger
  • Two celery sticks
  • One orange
  • Four apples
  • Four carrots


Juice all the ingredients in the juicer.

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